Rate-Doubling Click Train

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This example is the rate-doubling click train. It is concerned with the temporal integration mechanism in the auditory system, and the role it plays in determining whether an acoustic event is heard as a separate auditory event or is fused with adjacent acoustic events to produce a single auditory event. The distinction between acoustic events and auditory events is illustrated by the “rate-doubling” click train (RD-CT); that is, a temporally regular click train (CT) whose initial rate is 1 click/second (c/s) and whose rate of clicks doubles every two seconds until it reaches 128 c/s. Listen to audio track of the video with your eyes closed and then watch the simulation of our perceptions produced by the computational version of AIM.

Missing file: RD-CT_TI.mov

In summary, the example shows how the temporal integration mechanism in the auditory system determines whether an acoustic event is heard as a separate auditory event or is fused with adjacent acoustic events to produce a single auditory event.

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